Judy Jackson's exciting new book for children has been nominated for a World Gourmand Cookbook Award. Why did the judges like it? Remember being told: 'Don't play with your food' ? This is the opposite. With over 25 kitchen games and 130 photos, Lookit Cookit leads children into a world of discovery. It is designed for anyone over 6. It's different (see below) it makes you want to eat (see the tasters on the left).
Lookit Cookit is now available to download for the i-Pad. It costs the same as a cup of coffee! Click here to find it if you are in the UK. And for the USA click here.
Make someone happy today. Buy it now
from Amazon.co.uk price £9.95 or from Amazon.com $16.50
Like all books there is the Contents - what you will find
- games
- experiments
- quiz questions
- easy instructions called 'The How-to'
But unlike other cookbooks this one has Un-contents - what you won't find
- No long recipes or lists of ingredients you don't have.
- No mention of eating 'five-a-day' or hiding vegetables in a sauce. Fruit and the green things are not to be taken like medicine, before you’re allowed dessert.
- No instructions for making Chocolate Rice Krispies - if you want to get messy fingers there are more exciting things to make - like Sticky Chicken Wings or Blueberry Pancakes.
Each game or How-to has a star rating to show how easy it is. Younger children may need a little help and supervision with handling knives and heating food. Older ones can play on their own and even learn how to produce a 3-course meal in half an hour. School holidays will never again be boring.